Have you ever looked at the solar panels on roofs and wondered exactly what they do, and how? Well, those hi-tech expanses of shimmering glass are actually just one component in a complex network that harnesses the sun’s renewable energy to deliver electricity to the home within. Let’s take a simple, step-by-step look at how solar power works.

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Are solar panels worth it? That is the question that many are asking themselves as they weigh the pros and cons of investing in these panels. Solar panels are expensive and require a lot of maintenance, so they are not for everyone.

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This article will help answer that question by providing an overview of how much electricity homes use in a day and how many watts a panel produces. - how many hours of sun the panels will receive each day. For example, if your house gets two full hours of direct sunlight per day (six to seven hours in partial or indirect sunlight), then you can generate approximately six kWh per day.

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